Law Firm Grows Client Base with Smart Marketing Revamp

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Our Law Firm Digital Marketing Case Study for Cartwright King Solicitors

Outdated manual processes and lack of optimisation drove potential clients away from Cartwright King Solicitors’ website. An Audit revealed missed opportunities, lack of integration, and wasted budget. The JReece Digital team built a high-performing, mobile-friendly website, streamlined client review processes, optimised Google Ads performance, and implemented a content strategy to answer common client questions.


More Website Conversions


More Google Ads Conversions

Law Firm ↑ Website Conversions by 42% by Attracting Higher Quality Traffic: Here’s How

The Problem

Cartwright King Solicitors was grappling with several digital marketing challenges that necessitated a comprehensive overhaul of their online presence and strategy. These included:

Our Approach: Audit and Research

Our first step in delivering digital marketing strategies for law firms, in this case Cartwright King Solicitors, was to audit their current marketing channels and procedures with respect to audience and in relation to their competition, market trends, and their business goals. These channels included their website, reviews, Google Ads, and social media platforms.

Through our research, we identified that their target audience was looking for legal advice via Google’s search engine, but their website was not optimised for mobile devices, resulting in a high bounce rate. Our research found that the legal industry is becoming more competitive, with over 96% of potential clients using search engines to find legal services. We also identified that 93% of clients say that online reviews influenced their purchase decisions.

However, CKS’s reviews were manually typed into the website CMS, reducing the perception of authenticity. When we audited their Google Ads account, we noticed it was not setup to meet Google’s best practice guidelines, and quite frankly, had a terrible return of advertising spend (ROAS) as a result.

Joshua Reece explaining how to deliver low cost digital marketing
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As their consultant, I set out to show them why an investment in these areas would deliver an ROI that justified improving these key elements both in the short term and over time.

Joshua Reece

Digital Marketing Consultant

Our Approach: Implementation

Based on our research, we developed a digital marketing strategy that aimed to address the issues we identified during our audit by applying the following steps

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30% reduction in bounce rate

We created a new ‘mobile-first’ website with a responsive design.

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Improved conversion rate of over 200% (no joke)

We optimised their existing Google Ads campaigns that met Google’s best practice guidelines.

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Top 10 firm in multiple regions

We implemented an online review management system (ReviewSolicitors) that integrated with their Case Management System. This encouraged solicitors to request client reviews as part of their process.

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27% more website traffic

We focused on creating high-quality content, such as blog articles and infographics, that addressed the legal issues their target audience was searching for on Google. Through analysis and optimisation in the next step we achieved the following.

During the implementation stage, the above initiatives achieved a 27% increase in website traffic and an 42% increase in lead generation compared to the previous quarter. By focusing on strategic innovations, small changes instantly demonstrated improvements.

computer screen of JReece Digital's google analytics

Our Approach: Analysis and Optimisation

We tracked the performance of our digital marketing campaigns using key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. We used our new online review management system to respond to reviews and improve the firm’s online reputation. Using the review system’s API to display selected reviews enhanced the firm’s reputation management by showing potential clients positive experiences from past cases, which directly influences their decision-making process by amplifying authenticity.

Focusing on relevant reviews helped target potential clients more precisely by highlighting successes in specific areas of law that interested them, making our marketing efforts more relevant and impactful. All in all, we brought simplicity to their processes by integrating seamless technology solutions that enhanced both client and staff experience

Optimising Google Ads campaigns was necessary to correct the previously ineffective strategies that wasted budget and did not engage the intended audience. We made adjustments to our targeting, messaging, and bidding strategies to improve performance.

Our Approach: Reporting and Recommendations

We added clarity through transparent data and reporting that promoted data-informed decision-making for our clients After presenting our findings to Cartwright King Solicitors, we recommended that they continue to invest in their website optimisation strategy, along with increasing their budget in Google Ads to target more competitive keywords and monitor their performance. We also recommended the exploration of paid social channels for particular legal services such as Child Care, as our research showed their target audience increasingly using platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. Finally, we also recommended they further utilise the functionality available on ReviewSolicitors by only showing relevant reviews, categorised by service area and the individual lawyer.

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