Where Clients Meet Credibility: The 10 Best Review Sites for Law Firms

computer screen showing review sites for law firms

Over 90% of people now peek at online reviews before making a professional services buy decision. That includes hiring legal representation, advice, and review services.

Think of it this way: if your online presence were a suit, would it be well-tailored and occasion-appropriate or a bit frayed at the edges? Just as you wouldn’t meet a client in dishevelled attire, managing your online reputation shouldn’t be an afterthought.

It directly reflects your real-world professionalism and expertise, but having an online reputation doesn’t happen by chance. Those you see with a strong presence on the Internet have engineered that online persona by choosing the best review sites for law firms.

How to Use the Best Review Sites for Lawyers

Before we spill the tea on the top review sites for legal firms, it’s worth taking a look behind the curtain to see how legal firms growing powerful online reputations are doing it.

Navigating the world of online reviews can be as tricky as a high-stakes legal case. But fear not! Here are some key strategies to effectively leverage these platforms to enhance your firm’s online presence.

1. Claim Your Profiles

First thing first: claim your presence! If you don’t, someone else will. While they may not be able to claim your business profiles per se, they can certainly shape the narrative that influences the verdict reached by legal peers and clients alike.

Ensure your firm is listed on all relevant business profiles and review sites for law firms. Think of review sites as an extension of your website. They will both lead people to your services and allow you to build trust with people already there by showing visitors relevant reviews.

On the best legal services review sites, you showcase your legal prowess, highlight your victories, and address any client concerns. Each site might be a different courtroom, and you need to be prepared to make your case.

2. Choose A Favourable Court

If you’re a barrister, you don’t have control over where your case will be heard or who the judge will be, but in the “court of public opinion”, you do exert some control.

Selecting the right review sites for law firms is akin to choosing the most favourable court for a trial. Not all review sites are created equal, and spreading your resources too thin across multiple platforms may dilute your efforts.

Instead, focus on the sites that matter most to your target clients and your area of practice. This strategic choice allows you to concentrate your resources where they can make the most significant impact.

This selective approach not only enhances your visibility but also ensures that your efforts yield the best possible returns (leads), strengthening your firm’s standing in the digital world and in real life.

3. Encourage Reviews

Just as you wouldn’t leave a courtroom strategy to chance, don’t leave your reviews to fate. You might be surprised that most happy clients do not create online reviews unless prompted.

Who does leave reviews more often? Unhappy people. A review site will quickly become overrun with the clients who saw you on your worst days if you don’t actively encourage the 99% who saw you at your best.

Establish a systematic approach to encourage happy clients to share their positive experiences. Perhaps after a case concludes successfully, you could send a follow-up email expressing gratitude for their trust and gently reminding them to leave feedback on a best lawyer review site. Think of it as a polite nudge to pen a few kind words. Alternatively, a Digital PR Consultant could step in to help guide you though this process.

Link directly to the review site where you want your reviews and start actively building your reputation there.

Read our law firm digital marketing case study for Cartwright King Solicitors on how we implemented a marketing automation process to trigger a review request the moment a solicitor closed a case.

4. Don’t Get Complacent

85% of people care most about your star rating and want to see at least 4 out of 5 stars. Most people are fair-minded and understand you’re not perfect. 

73% say that they care about how recent a review was written. Even if you have many reviews, if your last one was six months ago, many people consider it irrelevant today.

60% of people say the number of reviews is important. It’s true that you’re unlikely to generate tens of thousands of reviews as a legal professional, but one to five reviews will not build much trust with a possible client.

Only 34% of people care if you have many reviews on several review sites. That isn’t to say that you should put all of your eggs in one basket since all review sites can generate leads for your firm. However, it does show that you don’t have to spread your resources too thin to get results with the top review sites.

5. Stay Compliant with Review Laws and Ethics

As a law firm, adhering to ethical standards isn’t just important—it’s mandatory. When encouraging reviews, remember to stay compliant with both legal ethics and review site policies. It’s a fine line between asking for reviews and incentivising good ones. Crossing this line can not only tarnish your reputation management for lawyers but also land you in hot water. Always play by the rules, ensuring you’re ethically sourcing your testimonials.

6. Set Clear Expectations Before People Become Clients

Transparency is key in any relationship, and the attorney-client relationship is no exception. Set clear expectations from the outset. If your clients know what to expect, they’re more likely to be satisfied and to reflect that satisfaction in their reviews.

This transparency extends online, too—be clear about your areas of expertise and what clients can expect from your services by creating helpful content. This clarity is how to build trust online.

7. Provide Excellent Service Online and Off

Last but certainly not least, providing stellar service is the cornerstone of positive reviews. Whether interacting through emails, virtual consultations, face-to-face meetings, responsive web design, or social media, every touchpoint is an opportunity to impress.

And let’s not forget—word of mouth in the legal industry can be just as powerful online as offline. By excelling in both arenas, you ensure that your clients are not only satisfied but are also enthusiastic advocates for your firm on the best sites for reputation management.

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Best Review Sites for Law Firms

When choosing where to focus your online reputation efforts, consider these key players in the UK market. Each platform offers unique benefits and challenges, and understanding these can help you tailor your reputation management strategy effectively.

These are not in any particular order as the ones you choose will depending your unique business model, strategy, and where your potential clients are most often reviewing legal services providers.

1. ReviewSolicitors

ReviewSolicitors is a specialist site dedicated to legal services in the UK. Potential clients use it to find and review solicitors based on real client feedback, making it a go-to for those looking for reputable legal advice.

Pros: Highly targeted for the legal sector, it offers high visibility among those seeking legal services specifically.

Cons: Being niche means fewer overall visits compared to broader platforms, which could mean less exposure outside specific legal-seeking audiences.

2. Solicitor.info

Like ReviewSolicitors, Solicitor.info focuses solely on the legal field, providing reviews and ratings for solicitors across the UK.

Pros: It’s another niche site where potential clients can find detailed reviews focused solely on legal professionals. For many legal firms getting more reviews here is the way to build trust in online business and in-person.

Cons: Similar to ReviewSolicitors, its niche approach limits the audience reach, potentially missing broader markets that might still be interested in legal services.

3. Trustpilot

Trustpilot is a giant among review platforms, used across various industries to gauge company reputations.

Pros: Its wide reach and recognition can significantly increase a firm’s visibility and credibility across a broader audience. Most people who read reviews have heard of Trustpilot before needing legal services, which is not the case with niche legal review sites. This could build some instant trust.

Cons: The platform’s broad focus can dilute the impact of reviews due to the high volume of businesses and industries represented, making it harder to stand out specifically as a law firm.

4. The Law Superstore

The Law Superstore is a comparative website that allows clients to compare legal professionals based on various criteria, including reviews.

Pros: This platform facilitates direct comparison between firms, which can be a decisive factor for clients making a choice.

Cons: The competitive format can put considerable pressure on firms to maintain exceptionally high ratings to stand out, potentially focusing more on the competition rather than client service.

5. Google Business

Google Business profiles appear directly in search results and on maps, making them highly visible and accessible. We always recommend that you claim your Google Business profile first for these reasons.

Pros: Universal recognition and use provide an unparalleled level of exposure and local search advantage. It’s great for SEO.

Cons: As it’s not specific to law, reviews can get lost among those from various other industries, and the platform requires constant management due to its high visibility and impact on search rankings.

6. Legal 500

Legal 500 is highly respected for its comprehensive research and ranking of law firms. If you offer elite services to discerning or wealthy clients or businesses, this is a review site you should consider.

Pros: It’s well-regarded within the industry and among clients who are looking for top-tier legal services.

Cons: It requires more detailed submissions, and the review process is quite rigorous, which might be more resource-intensive for law firms.

6. Chambers and Partners

Chambers and Partners offers detailed rankings and research, focusing on the effectiveness and capabilities of law firms.

Pros: Highly credible and influential, particularly with high-end corporate clients.

Cons: The submission process can be quite demanding and competitive.

7. Yelp

While primarily known for restaurant reviews, Yelp also hosts reviews for services, including legal services.

Pros: Broad audience reach and well-integrated with search engines. The voice assistant Alexa answers questions about hours of operation, reviews, contact information, and services using Yelp.

Cons: The audience is not specifically seeking legal services, which might dilute the effectiveness of reviews.

8. Avvo

Though based in the US, Avvo offers its services globally and has a section dedicated to UK lawyers.

Pros: It’s specifically designed for legal professionals and includes lawyer profiles, Q&A sections, and client reviews.

Cons: Its primary focus is on the US market, but its UK database is growing. This may impact its effectiveness in the UK. However, it could also provide a competitive advantage because there is less UK competition here.

9. Facebook

Facebook remains one of the most widely used social media platforms globally, with a vast user base that can access reviews and recommendations posted about your services.

Pros: It offers extensive reach and the ability to engage directly with clients through comments and messages, which can help in building and maintaining client relationships. You can also use targeted advertising to reach potential clients based on specific demographics.

Cons: The platform’s algorithm changes frequently, which can affect how your posts and reviews are seen. Managing your online presence here requires active engagement and monitoring. It only makes sense to collect reviews here if you also plan to invest in Facebook as part of your social media marketing and paid advertising strategy.

10. Bing Places

Bing Places is the equivalent of Google Business but for Bing’s search engine. It allows businesses to manage their presence on Bing’s search engine results.

Pros: It’s particularly useful for targeting users who prefer Bing over Google. These are often people on desktop computers who work in offices. They tend to be over 40. Adding your business here can also enhance your visibility in less crowded digital spaces, possibly leading to higher engagement rates.

Cons: The overall user base for Bing is smaller compared to Google, which might result in fewer interactions and reviews unless specifically targeted. However, this may deliver a competitive advantage if your ideal clients are Bing users.

Choosing the Best Review Sites for Legal Firms

Incorporating these platforms into your review management strategy offers a broader approach to online reputation management, allowing you to tap into different segments of the internet-using public and tailor your interactions to meet diverse client needs and preferences. Once you choose one or more platforms, it’s vital to invest your reputation there. Go all in. Nurture it, and it will help you build trust.

A reputation management consultant can help you determine which platforms will best support your business goals and show you how to integrate reviews into your law firm’s lead-generation strategies to grow your practice.

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To discuss how I can help, schedule a free 30-minute reputation management consultation.

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