Introducing Your Facebook Ads Consultant

Elevate your brand’s digital presence with a skilled Facebook Ads Consultant. In today’s dynamic digital environment, Facebook advertising is not just a strategy—it’s a critical component of your marketing toolbelt.

At JReece Digital, we recognise the immense power of Facebook and Instagram Ads in unlocking digital success, one click at a time. Our dedicated Facebook Ads Consultant is here to navigate your brand through the complexities of Facebook advertising on these Meta platforms. We simplify using Facebook Ads Manager to create Instagram and Facebook ads, ensuring that every campaign is a step towards achieving your business goals. With our tailored Facebook advertising solutions, we’re committed to transforming your brand’s online engagement, driving tangible results, and placing you at the forefront of digital innovation.

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What is a Facebook Ads Consultant?

A Facebook Ads Consultant is a specialist who crafts, manages, and optimises your advertising campaigns. They are strategists who ensure your ads not only reach the right audience but also resonate, engage, and convert, contributing to your business’s growth and success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about working with a Facebook Ads Consultant.

While a Facebook Ad Manager (the person, not the advertising platform) can be a consultant, the two roles can be distinct. An Ad Manager typically focuses on the technical aspects of managing campaigns. In contrast, a consultant provides broader strategic advice, combining management with in-depth marketing expertise to help you smoothly integrate your social media advertising into your more comprehensive digital marketing plan.

Facebook advertising offers a potent medium for brands to connect with their audience. With over 3 billion monthly active users, the platform presents an unparalleled opportunity for targeted engagement. Studies show that Facebook ads deliver one of the highest ROIs in digital advertising—tied with Instagram. Facebook’s cost per click is relatively low, while effective use of the platform can generate outstanding results in brand awareness, engagement, lead generation, and even direct sales.

Deciding whether Facebook or Instagram ads are better hinges on your brand’s specific goals, target audience, and the nature of your products or services. Facebook offers a broader demographic reach and more advanced targeting options due to its larger user base and more extensive data collection. It’s ideal for detailed targeting, especially for B2B campaigns or services aimed at older Millennials and younger Boomers (Approximately Ages 35-65). If you’re trying to reach Pensioners (66+), many of these silver surfers are on Facebook, too! Facebook is where their adult children share updates about their grandchildren and engage in other social media activities while on the platform.

Instagram is owned by Meta, like Facebook, but it skews towards a younger audience that engages more with visual content. It’s the go-to platform for brands with strong visual appeal, like fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, aiming to captivate a younger, more visually oriented audience. While legal, financial, and local government brands (or sector specialises) may not consider themselves visual, know that an Instagram Ad consultant can certainly build a more visual brand for you if your audience is more likely to be found on Instagram.

You can use the Facebook Ads Manager to create ads for both Instagram and Facebook. Some popular ad formats include:

  • Image Ads: Ideal for showcasing products and services with compelling visuals.
  • Video Ads: Great for engaging storytelling and demonstrating your brand’s personality.
  • Carousel Ads: Allow you to showcase multiple products or tell a story sequence.
  • Slideshow Ads: A cost-effective way to create video-like ads from still images.
  • Lead Ads: Designed to collect lead information, such as email addresses, directly from the ad.

Facebook Ads consultant pricing can vary widely depending on experience, the scope of your campaigns, and geographic location. Prices can range from hourly rates to monthly retainers or a percentage of ad spend. While that’s not the answer you wanted to hear, we can assure you that you’ll always get upfront and clear pricing from us. We want you to feel well-informed and in control of your marketing budget.

Services Offered by Our Facebook Ads Consultant

At JReece Digital, we offer holistic digital marketing services designed to maximise your advertising success. Whether you only need help getting more out of Facebook or Instagram ads or are looking for more comprehensive digital marketing support, your Facebook Ads consultant has the proven expertise you’re looking for. We offer the following Facebook ad services:

Industries We Serve

Facebook Ad Consultant Joshua Reece has spent the last 10 plus years learning everything there is about holistic digital marketing strategy by doing and getting consistent results for clients in three key sectors:

Facebook Ads Financial Services

Facebook Ads for Law Fims

Facebook Ads for Local Government

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Hiring a Facebook Ads Consultant: Our Approach

Working with a Facebook Ads Consultant provides a strategic advantage. They not only understand the technicalities of Facebook’s advertising platform but also bring a wealth of marketing acumen to craft campaigns that align with your broader business objectives. Here’s what a consultant brings to your strategy:

Joshua Reece explaining how to deliver low cost digital marketing

Why Choose JReece Digital for Facebook Ads Consulting

Joshua Reece has spent over a decade building a team of high-impact freelancers who dominate their respective areas of expertise. Joshua leads them in implementing the strategies he develops for your company. We uncomplicate your social media, cutting through the complexity of digital marketing, offering simplicity, clarity, and effectiveness. Our analytical approach demystifies how your audience engages with your content, enabling precise optimisation.

Our track record of delivering results-driven Facebook advertising strategies speaks for itself. By partnering with us, you gain:

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Access to a seasoned Facebook Ads Consultant who is adept at navigating the platform’s complexities.

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A focus on delivering measurable outcomes that drive business growth.

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Strategies and campaigns tailored specifically to your brand’s needs.

Low-Cost Marketing:

Our slim business model allows us to deliver high-performing marketing assets for a fraction of what large advertising agencies charge.

Success Stories

Our portfolio speaks volumes about our expertise and the results we’ve achieved for our clients. From significantly boosting website traffic and engagement to driving sales through targeted content campaigns, our success stories showcase the transformative power of effective content marketing.

See What People Say About My Services

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Embark on a Journey to Advertising Excellence with Expert Consultancy

Join forces with JReece Digital to leverage the synergistic potential of Facebook and Instagram advertising. Our Facebook Ads Consultant and Instagram Ads Consultant are ready to propel your brand to new heights in the digital domain. Together, we’ll unlock the full potential of your online marketing efforts, one click at a time.

Contact Us

Reach out to us for a Facebook ads free consultation and begin your journey to digital excellence with a FREE MARKETING AUDIT.


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